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Hindi-English > धुनकी से साफ़ करना

धुनकी से साफ़ करना in English

pronunciation: [ dhunaki se sapha karana ]  sound:  
धुनकी    card comb willow
से    through specially herewith past by afar affiliate
से साफ़ करना    clean from clean off
साफ़    distinctly clearly well-marked understood
साफ़ करना    comb out dust wash off purgatory clarify filter
करना    transaction commission advertising commence

What is the meaning of धुनकी से साफ़ करना in English and how to say dhunaki se sapha karana in English? धुनकी से साफ़ करना English meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.